Thursday, December 20, 2012

Teach Like a Champion

I am not sure about everyone else but I am ready for Christmas!  Shannon and I were fortunate enough to go to the Teach Like A Champion Conference.  To hear the effects of TLaC on schools was amazing.  Both of us came back energized to try some of the techniques.  I wanted to share a video of my class after day 3 of implementing Cold Call (Pg-112-125 TlaC) with an extended wait time.  The extended wait time has been very effective in the class. 

The students did ask why we were changing questioning and I explained the theory behind it.  I was amazing to see their reaction that we (teachers) are learning to be better teachers.  With that said I am so NOT perfect at this.  I should have taped it from the front and instead of answering the one question having another student answer it.  Also, I am trying hard to remember to say “waiting on scholars” instead of numbers.  With that said my class participation has gone up tremendously. 


Hope you enjoy.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Good, The Bad, and the UGLY

This is an update on how I am doing on my action research plan for graduate school.  There is good, bad, and ugly on this update.  VERY UGLY 

The Good-   I am committed to my students mastering the language of the math to be successful both on the STAAR and future courses.  I have implemented two strategies that have been widely successful in the classroom.  One is highlighting the words on the objective that I think are critical and the students must define.  The second was the creation of the word in translation slider that the students can use in the classroom.  It was also discovered that these can be used on the actual STAAR.

The bad- I am not near as far into my plan and I dreamed I would be.  The start of school with a new administration and being on stage one has been OVERWHELMING add school to this and I feel like a top spinning out of control. 

The Ugly- There is really no end at sight.  If I do not accomplish my action plan the students will not be successful and that is no acceptable.  Time management has become critical and I MUST I think I can I think I can I think I can succeed.  The future of my kids is at stake. 


So that is the good, the bad, and ugly.  Right now I really think that I need to take the advice of the little engine that could.  I think I can I think I can.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Where the kids get lost in Translation

One of the Algebra skills my students struggle with the most is take a problem from written form to an equation. Causes my hair to turn gray  I teach Geometry and this is always an issue.  With the new depth of rigor the ability to translate to an equation is even more critical. 
I was searching on Pintrest and found this WONDERFUL study aid for my kids.  The problem is that it require ALOT of cutting.  I hate to cut. (That is not even strong enough wording)  I would rather do anything that cut.  So to my Cricut (scrapbooking tool)  after a little frustration I was able to cut 25 sleeves in less than 10 minutes.  This is my type of project. 
The best thing is that I know have a study aid for my students!!  I have put the power into their hands to succeed.  What was once a scary skill is now just a "slide" sway!
Now my wheels are turning....what else could I use this for?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What will YOU change?

Pinned Image
It was the worst of times it was the best of time……Ok not really this week has been HARD…REALLY REALLY HARD.  For the first time I am at a campus that has been labeled “under performing” even though out kids showed individual growth.  Professional Development started with lots of data, drama (it is high school) and now today DREAMS. 

I was working on my classroom griping because I had missed measured and was going to have to go buy more fabric.  I am a math teacher…really?  Then I got to thinking how this is so like my kids.  They make simple mistakes; our reaction is what will determine if this is a simple mistake or a huge one.  I have heard since the beginning of teaching to “teach like I parent”.  Let me tell you this does not work for me.  I am lucky I have a child who is responsible, over-achiever, and really easy.  I have tried teaching like I parent.  I am strict on some things, yell, take things away, sarcasm…this is NOT working for me or them.   As I read Teach Like a Campion I owe so many students an apology they deserved a better teacher. 

What will I do different?  Positive framing, No Opt-Out and NO SCARASAM I am really trying.  Out new principal said something powerful "lead with mercy."  They are kids,  they make mistakes.  I really do not think any of them get up in the morning and think “Can I ruin her day.”  A gentle correction may work where being a hard nose has not.  If this keeps one child encouraged and in school then that is one I have not reached before.

The above quote in on my door, I selected it for the kids but now I see really I was led there for me.  This will be the first thing I see when I walk in my room and the last when I leave.

What changes will you make this year?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Action Research Plan---18 Months of My Life

Whew, This is the next 18 mos of my life. I am so excited to see what the results will be!! What actions can faculty take to improve academic vocabulary in the math classroom?  What effects will
these action have on the STAAR test?
Action Step (s)
Person (s) Responsible
Analyze the data from the 2012 Algebra STAAR test for 100 10th grade students.
Jennifer Garner
Aug 2012/Aug 2012
Eduphoria and Class Rosters
Analyze the information by objectives for the 2012 Test
Survey students on common high school level academic math words common in both Algebra and Geometry.
Jennifer Garner
Aug 2012/Aug 2012
Google Docs
Implement one research based vocabulary concept in the classroom.
Jennifer Garner
Sep 2012/ Sept 2012
Unknown at this time
Unknown at this time
Implement one research based vocabulary concept in the classroom.
Jennifer Garner
Oct 2012/ Oct 2012
Unknown at this time
Unknown at this time
Implement one research based vocabulary concept in the classroom.
Jennifer Garner
Nov 2012 / Nov 2012
Unknown at this time
Unknown at this time
Survey students on common high school level academic math words common in both Algebra and Geometry.
Jennifer Garner
Nov 2012/Nov 2012
Google Docs
Analyze the data in comparison to the pervious benchmarks.
Implement one research based vocabulary concept in the classroom.
Jennifer Garner
Jan 2013/ Jan 2013
Unknown at this time
Unknown at this time
Implement one research based vocabulary concept in the classroom.
Jennifer Garner
Feb 2013/Feb 2013
Unknown at this time
Unknown at this time
Implement one research based vocabulary concept in the classroom.
Jennifer Garner
Mar 2013 / April 2013
Unknown at this time
Unknown at this time

Survey students on common high school level academic math words common in both Algebra and Geometry.
Jennifer Garner
April 2013/April 2013
Google Docs
Analyze the data in comparison to the pervious benchmarks.
Students will take the 2013 Geometry STAAR test
 All Teachers
May 2013
STAAR Testing material
Results will be in during summer
Analyze the data from the 2013 STAAR test and compare to the 2012
Jennifer Garner
Summer 2013
STAAR Results
Analyze the data

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pet Peeve ...I do not know

Ok do you know THOSE teachers who have HUGE pet peeves?  Shhh that is me!  I am honest with the kids and try to tell them up front my peeves.  They are going to work for bosses that they have to learn to deal with and a teacher is the same.  I am not going into all of my peeves neurosis but I want to share with you a solution to one of them

Me….what is a ……    Student…..looking bored….. I do not know.  Somewhere in most student’s academic careers they have been allowed to answer a question with I DO NOT KNOW.  I despise this.  Yes, they may not have the perfect answer but I do not know is a cop out and really it is the same as I do not care.  The past couple of years I have been working on not allowing this and giving prompts and other questions to engage all students.  The key is I HAVE BEEN WORKING.  This summer it hit me I was the one doing the work.  I heard a speaker this summer say “never work harder than your students.”  Think about this….never work harder than the kids….WOW  WOW WOW.  I love this idea. 

With that thought in mind NEVER WORK HARDER THAN THE KIDS I created this poster.  I know I borrowed stole the idea but I have no idea from where.  If you are the creator please let me know and I will give credit.  This was a super-fast project in paint and it gives the kids visual clues for questions to ask.  I plan on posting a large poster at the front of the classroom and a small one on each table laminated. 

Now the first student who says….I do not know…..My head may spin.

How do you get your students to not say I DO NOT KNOW?  What are your peeves?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Where do you go for ideas?

As I am working on my action research with academic vocabulary and getting ready for back to school, I am feeling a little overwhelmed.  There are two books that I am reading for research right now.  The first is From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks: 100Ways to Differentiate Instruction in K - 12 Classrooms by Paula Kluth.  Differentiated Instruction is not new for elementary but at the high school level very little has been done in my experience.  As we use differentiation the academic vocabulary will be a huge part of this.    The second book I am reading is BuildingAcademic Vocabulary: Teacher's Manual by Robert J. Marzano.  I love these books since one is the why vocabulary and the other is the how. 

                What I have found in teaching is the research is so important but there are teachers that have researched this before me.  To steal…borrow…their ideas I go to my favorite theft place…PINTREST.  Here are a couple of the great ideas I am anxious to try VocabularyTwister, Popcorn Words, and an interactive objective/word wall.   I love being able to find great ideas from others.  STEALING  Where do you go for great ideas?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

What is my action research plan? Why a Blog?

What is action research?  Action research is an individualized plan.  This is different from professional development that has been directed from above.  It is not a sit in a room and sift through information provided to determine what can be used at my school.  It is a plan based in data and research that can be implemented to help improve my individual school.

            We have all sat through PD (especially at the beginning of the school year)  worried about setting up the classroom, first day plans, and trying to focus on someone that may or may not have been in the classroom for years telling us how to improve our classes.  These presenters have not spoken with us before and do not know our students but they have all the answers.  In contrast an action research allows me to develop a plan, research ideas/solutions based on needs and then implement the plan.  The research is based on my needs and solutions that are needed in my educator world.

            As a high school math teacher striving to be a curriculum specialist I am excited to develop my action research plan.  The school I am at is Title One campus with a populations that is 96% Hispanic.  Many times it is not the math that my students struggle with but rather the vocabulary which confuses the students with what the questions are actually asking.  They do not understand the vocabulary we take for granted because for most of the population within my school, English is their second language.  It is my hope that through research based academic vocabulary ideas and activities I am able to raise the scores of my students on the Texas STAAR test.  I will be using my 2012-2013 geometry class to acquire the data and reflect on the action research plan.

            Blogging is a wonderful way to make connections with people of like minds throughout the world.  There are several bloggers I have followed for years. (Hi, Dan Meyer)  Through the power of the internet, connections are made, opinions shared, data shared, and excitement grows.  My mind is never the best by itself smartest and through blogging, as an educational leader, I can connect with minds that have insights that might not have occurred to me otherwise.