Saturday, July 28, 2012

Where do you go for ideas?

As I am working on my action research with academic vocabulary and getting ready for back to school, I am feeling a little overwhelmed.  There are two books that I am reading for research right now.  The first is From Tutor Scripts to Talking Sticks: 100Ways to Differentiate Instruction in K - 12 Classrooms by Paula Kluth.  Differentiated Instruction is not new for elementary but at the high school level very little has been done in my experience.  As we use differentiation the academic vocabulary will be a huge part of this.    The second book I am reading is BuildingAcademic Vocabulary: Teacher's Manual by Robert J. Marzano.  I love these books since one is the why vocabulary and the other is the how. 

                What I have found in teaching is the research is so important but there are teachers that have researched this before me.  To steal…borrow…their ideas I go to my favorite theft place…PINTREST.  Here are a couple of the great ideas I am anxious to try VocabularyTwister, Popcorn Words, and an interactive objective/word wall.   I love being able to find great ideas from others.  STEALING  Where do you go for great ideas?


  1. I like your action research topic and I'm glad to see someone does the same thing as me! I am working on an action research topic that is to improve reading by using a new framework called The Four Blocks Method. So far, I have read 3 books about this method and have learned a lot in the process, but am also feeling overwhelmed with my preparations for school along with this graduate program. Along with reading my books I get A LOT of my ideas from Pinterest too! I LOVE that website and it's amazing how many awesome ideas other teacher's have already posted about my action research topic. Thanks for posting and I look forward to following you and seeing how your project goes.

  2. I have enjoyed checking out your blog! Everything looks great and I look forward to seeing the results you find. When it comes to stealing/borrowing, it is what we do as teachers!! Pinterest and Teacher's Pay Teacher's are two of my favorite sites to find awesome ideas. To me these sites are a great resource and it allows teachers to collaborate. I cannot tell you how many times one of my fellow teachers brings an idea she found on Pinterest, shares it with the group, and the very next day the kids are working hard on the activity we "stole"! It is wonderful. I would love to hear about any other sites that are good. Great ideas are easily shared but it is up to the teacher to make it meaningful to the students :)

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  4. I admit that I get sucked into the Pinterest time warp, and receive weekly emails from Teachers Pay Teachers. My team and I used both resources last year and had some fabulous, refreshed lessons. Pinterest is the perfect example of not "reinventing the wheel". You can find almost anything there, then you can tweak it to fit your classroom!
