Sunday, January 6, 2013

Trying to get into Blogging

Let me be totally honest I hate HATE HATE HATE to write.  I know that it is not my strong point and I am always self-conscious on writing.  But I do have ideas and files that I would like to share with my friends.  With that said I am going to try and be more diligent with my blog. 

As I am getting ready to go back to school tomorrow I am doing last minute organization around the house and for school.  I was on Pintrest and found this great meal planner/shopping list.  Then when I clicked it was NOT PRINTABLE.  WHAT WHY NOT?  That did me no good but I was able to recreate it.  I think this will be helpful in the upcoming semester.  I have attached it both as a pdf and word if you would like to adjust it.
